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Life changing events can happen in the blink of an eye. We are here to help.

We offer several solutions to help manage your Carolina Trust loan payments if you are experiencing financial hardship. The earlier we are notified about a situation, the more options we have to assist you. Please fill out the form below, and we will contact you within two business days.

  • Extensions or ‘Skips’
    By advancing your due date and adding payments(s) to the end of your loan term, we can help keep money in your pocket for needed expenses. Extensions, or ‘skips’ are a good option for those who may have lost their source of income and have no other income to help provide for day-to-day costs.
  • Payment Modifications
    By temporarily lowering your payments for a short period, you can keep up to date with other expenses while spending less each month. Payment modifications are an optimal choice for those who may have experienced a lower paycheck due to illness or having hours cut back at work.
  • Hardship Assistance Program
    For those who have experienced a significant life change, like the death of a spouse, serious medical issue, or accident, Carolina Trust has the Hardship Assistance Program. Upon review of the situation and the loan, a six-month modification of the loan for a lower payment can assist with the transition from one stage of life to the next.


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