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Carolina Trust Brand Wall Series

We recently teamed up with local photographer Benton Henry, who specializes in aerial, architectural, commercial, industrial, portrait, product, progress, and video. Please click here to view his portfolio. His photograph of the Waccamaw River Memorial Bridge is an integral part of our newly installed Conway Branch brand wall located at 2518 Main Street. In recognition of our not-for-profit financial roots, we displayed “Putting People Ahead of Profits Since the Day We Started” in dimensional lettering over the photograph.

According to SCPictureProject.org, this historic bridge with Gothic-style arches was built in 1937 and takes travelers across the Waccamaw River in Conway and is a focal point of the Conway Riverwalk. The bridge replaced an earlier one-lane structure that at the time was the only road access from Conway to the then up-and-coming Grand Strand resort of Myrtle Beach. During this period in the 1930s the South Carolina highway system was booming, and the increased traffic – especially to the beach – called for a larger bridge. The bridge was designated as a memorial to Horry County veterans of war from the American Revolution through World War I. Around 15,000 people attended the bridge’s opening ceremony on April 1, 1938.

This is the first completed project in our Carolina Trust brand wall series.

Conway Branch Brand Mural


In 2018, we partnered with Craig Stevens, a talented local artist, who painted the piece in our lobby called TRUST. This piece celebrates the Credit Union’s 60th year in business, and we are honored to showcase it our 21st Avenue North branch. To see more of Craig’s work, visit artguycraig.com.

60th Anniversary Painting

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